
I have very high expectation from brands. I see them as a regulator for who people are today.
I believe in the power of communicating without word, I believe in eye- to – eye communication. When a brand knows it self so much, that in a simple look, it can show its value, and more than that, connect with the same value with a consumer, or, like I like to think, a person.
I believe in experience, from when I wake up to a business meeting. The power words have, and how that power can be translated into experience, into something you feel, and how that can bring brands to a entire new level.
Feeling a brand in your guts is what I call my job, or, like I like to say, is what I call my believe.
Gut felling.
I didn’t study anything profoundly enough to be limited, and I lived profoundly enough to learn.
I have a fresh mind. Call me old fashion, but I believe I can change the world, but here is the news, with branding.
There is nothing wrong with gut felling. It is a instinctive sign that let us know when there is something special in front of us.
Butterflies in your stomach, not the most professional of the terms but the most accurate.
but most of us "professionals" insists in seeing butterflies and as a plague instead of a blessing.
I believe in butterflies, I look for them everyday, I analyze the flight and the pause, I train the moves, I memorize the colors and the reflections. Butterflies are flying everywhere, all the time.
My personal believe is collective. I believe brands have a very important roll in our society, the global society. Today we have brands communicating with every nation, at the same time, and the same message. How come brands can be accepted without any barriers and people still can’t accept races, sex, immigration.
How come a Jew and a Palestinian throw rocks at each other wearing Nikes and posting videos on YouTube?
How come playboy bunnies and Greenpeace representatives shop at Wholefoods.
There is a value today in brands that goes beyond price, beyond the logo, today we connect through butterflies. Butterflies see no color, no price and no logo, butterflies happen, and they feel exactly the same to you and me.

The best way to define a brand is when there is no words to describe it. It just is. Now, to be or not to be, that is the question to our clients. The difference is, today, they know the answer, and we know how to do it.